Holiday shopping, cooking, decorating—the list goes on and on of repetitive tasks that can strain your extremities, including shoulders, wrists, and knees, and keep you from enjoying this festive season.
How Winter Activities Affect Your Extremities
The added demands of winter often mean using muscles and joints in ways your body isn’t used to. Dr. Matt Sheehy DC explains, ” Sometimes, the person can get hurt because they’re starting to do more activities that they’re not used to.” This might include reaching more (e.g., to get the holiday dishes out).
These motions, especially when done repeatedly or with poor posture, can lead to strain and discomfort in your shoulders and wrists. Additionally, bending or kneeling during tasks like decorating can put undue pressure on your knees. When joints don’t have a healthy range of motion, they are more prone to injury.
Why Cold Weather Increases Joint Sensitivity
Colder temperatures can significantly increase discomfort in joints and muscles, especially for those with arthritis or past injuries. According to Dr. Matt, when the bone is in its proper location, it takes off that stress from the muscle, so it doesn’t have to work so hard. Chiropractic adjustments can restore proper alignment, reducing tension and improving range of motion, even during the winter months.
The Benefits of Noninvasive Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care not only addresses existing discomfort but also helps prevent future injuries by keeping your joints healthy and mobile. Whether you’re dealing with stiffness or strain, adjustments can help you enjoy winter activities pain-free.
What about surgery? For those considering surgery and wondering if chiropractic care could be an alternative, Dr. Matt achieves excellent results for his patients naturally. “Chiropractic is noninvasive, helping the body heal itself by ensuring the joints are moving properly, which allows the nervous system to respond effectively,” he explains.
According to Dr. Matt, surgery outcomes can vary. Sometimes, surgery resolves the issue, and the patient feels much better. However, in other cases, the underlying problem may not have been surgical, leaving the patient with no improvement.
Stay Mobile and Strong
Don’t let extremity discomfort hold you back this winter. Schedule a chiropractic appointment with Dr. Matt at Connect Chiropractic to keep your body moving with ease all winter long.